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  • Writer's pictureLuan Nguyen

Chasing the future favourite - Why not?

I’m immensely into the quote from Thomas Carlyle that feels like the intellectual enlightenment:

‘Habit is the deepest law of human nature’

I did not even recognize that till I read this quote, then I realized that we all grow up with our habits whoever you are. Some people might prefer to read books, while others’ perennial favourites are playing chess, football, etc. Personally, journaling something then uploading it on your own website is my preferable choice and I probably keep doing this in my foreseeable future.

I love to inspire people. I love to cultivate a positive mindset towards situations when I was just a young kid. So if being asked about what kind of topic I want to write about, it would be motivational vlogs. It allows me to discover the lines of people’s thoughts and their actions towards a situation when bad things happen. I do all these things due to the fact that I’m in love with people’s smile, I act on people’s happiness. When reading my optimistic thoughts on things, I really hope that people will find themselves in my words, and feel an urge to continue their journey of changing their world instead of temporarily shutting the reality away.

Reading tons of books and quotes about life motivates me to write this kind of blog but I don’t want to keep saying the surface things over and over again like: nothing can hurt you, … The things I hope to bring to my audience is the ways to overcome such mental difficulties such as ways to easily start meditating, how to immerse yourself in pages of books, …

I know that the decision of beginning this blog is quite obscure at first. However, I just don’t want to let the fear of the unknown ruin my mood and stop me from pursuing my goal. I’m willing to deal with the tough times because I’m aware of the ups and downs in life. I will always remind myself that I’m staying on the right track, and there’s nothing could prevent me from doing my things.

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