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In Search of 


"Creativity doesn't wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones."

- Bruce Garrabrandt

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A freshman majoring in Professional Communication at RMIT University Vietnam. 

My interest is journaling, stemming from a desire to explore different aspects of my mental life. 

I'm also a young adult with wanderlust. I feel immensely unsatisfied with staying in the same place for a long time.

I am Luan Nguyen


about me.

where the creativity begins.

​My inspiration to journal 


Saigon, Vietnam




We live in a beautiful world, at the most amazing time ever. Everything around us has the reasons to exist, and the beauty to capture.

In fact, there are various ways to 'picture' the moments, and one of them is journaling

​why journal?


Personally, I prefer journaling to taking pictures due to several reasons. To be specific, it allows me to explore my deeper thoughts and approach a different aspect of my mental life. 

When I feel overwhelmed and need a getaway from the hustle and bustle of life, I jot things down. When I read something interesting, I write it down. That's when I start to connect with my inner self. 


“Photography is the art of making memories tangible.”
– Destin Sparks



what I capture









Last Sunday of 2020

These are what my friend and I just captured on the last Sunday of 2020. It took me a while to realize that another year just had ended. We all know that 2020 was terrible, but it also brought me a lot of hopes that next year - 2021 will be okay. 

what I read

Below you will find a collection of books I've read recently. 

We all know the benefits of reading books. Personally, I choose to read book as a way to escape from negative thoughts and to find a different approach to my mental life. Whatever way it is, we are all aware of the importance of books in our life. 



- Tara Westover


The Art of Communication

- Thich Nhat Hanh


The Fault in Our Stars

- John Green


Turtles all the way down

- John Green



- R. J. Palacio



- Susan Cain

All of the books I've read above is in the the form of e-book.

Cain, S. (2013, January 29). [Digital image]. Retrieved January 15, 2021, from

Green, J. (2014, April 8). [Digital image]. Retrieved January 15, 2021, from

Green, J. (2017, October 10). [Digital image]. Retrieved January 15, 2021, from

Palacio, R. J. (2017, September 26). [Digital image]. Retrieved January 15, 2021, from

Thich, H. N. (2013, August 15). [Digital image]. Retrieved January 15, 2021, from

Westover, T. (2018, February 20). [Digital image]. Retrieved January 15, 2021, from

meet our team

Our podcast

Untitled - 15 January 2021 04.27.jpg

​Luan Nguyen

 Nhi Ngo

​Khanh Vu

 Anh Pham

POD_COMM2692_ASN01_TEAMSIX_PhamNguyenMaiMorning Coffee 101
00:00 / 05:18

Part 1:

(00:03 - 00:13) Luan: You’re listening to “Morning Coffee 101 “ . A special kind of spotlight episode on the coffee podcast, introducing the features of Vietnamese coffee shops. My name is Luan. 


(00:14 - 00:23) Mai: And I’m Mai, welcome to our studio today Mr. John Trung Nguyen, the owner of Cheese Coffee. Today, our topic is about Mr. John and his journey of creating the Cheese Coffee brand. 


(00:30 - 00:33) Luan: Good morning Mr. John! How are you doing? 



(00:34 - 00:36) Mr.John: I’m doing great. How about you guys? 



(00:37 - 00:41) Luan: Couldn’t feel better. So, we’re gonna break the ice by first introducing about yourself. 


(00:42 - 00:58) Mr.John: Hi guys, my name is Trung Nguyen, but you guys might know me with the name Mr.John. I’m nearly 30 now. And I’m the co-founder of Cheese Coffee. Until now, I’m proud to say that we have opened 10 branches located at different parts in HCM City. Anyway, is there a cup of my brand’s coffee on your table? 


(00:59 - 1:01) Luan: Yes! I'm a huge fan of your coffee shop. 



(1:02 - 1:06) Mr.John: Oh, that’s great. And what do you think about the drink? 



(1:07 - 1:19) Luan: Oh, that's a taste of heaven, to be honest. However, some drinks are too sweet for me to drink for a whole cup. Anyway, we wonder if “Cheese” in your Coffee brand name is a dairy product? If it's true, you're such a cheese lover! 


(1:20 - 1:30) Mr.John: As a matter of fact, there are lots of people confused about that. But, my intention to put “Cheese” in is to encourage people to “Say Cheese” and live their life happily. 

(1:31 - 1:37) Luan: Oh, that’s a great idea! I also wonder, are there any stories behind the foundation of your brand? 


(1:38 - 1:55) Mr. John: Why does everyone just keep asking me that question? To be honest, there is not. The idea of running this coffee shop just came up to my mind after I had jumped out of my previous job. I thought the job just didn’t fit me at all, so I started to think about something new and then Cheese Coffee was founded. 


(1:56 - 2:06) Mai Anh: Oh, many start-ups have done the same way as you – gaining experience from previous job, then running their own business. And, could you please tell us what motivates you to run your business? 


(2:07 – 2:10) Luan: But, before hearing his answer, let's take a short break! 



(2:11 - 2:12) Mai Anh + Luan: Please stay tuned! 


(2:13 - 2:14) Mai Anh: We’ll be back in a minute. 



Advertising: “Honey Delivery” 



(2:19 - 2:20) Speaker 1: Wanna go grab some food? 

(2:20 - 2:21) Everyone: Nahhh 

(2:22 - 2:26) Speaker 1: Too lazy huh? Why don’t we order online? I’ve heard that Honey Delivery has some vouchers! 

(2:26 – 2:27) Speaker 2: Honey, your order is successful! 

(2:28 – 2:29) Speaker 2: Honey delivery 

(2:30 - 2:35) Speaker 3: 

From breakfast; To dinner; To midnight snack

Speedy delivery to your doorway 

Guarantee your food quality 

(2:36 – 2:38) Speaker 1: Honey Delivery – be home and enjoy your meals. 

(2:40 – 2:41) Speaker 2: Why don’t you try honey? 

(2:41 – 2:43) Speaker 1: The app is available on Appstore and Android. Download now. 

Part 2:

(2:45 - 2:54) Luan: Welcome back to our studio. Let's continue with Mr.John’s sharing. About the previous question, we asked you about your motivations when running your own business. 


(2:56 – 3:33) Mr. John: Oh. That’s an interesting question. So, the first motivation springs up to my mind is that I always see Cheese Coffee as my own child, so I want to give “him” the most fulfilling life. The next motivation is that I want to give people the most comfortable atmosphere/, giving them a place to have social gatherings/, bonding with their peers/ and even dating. To be honest, my wife and i had our first date at a coffee shop as well. And… Do you guys guess what is my final motivation? 


(3:34 – 3:37) Mai Anh: Is that your special interest in coffee? 



(3:38 – 4:04) Mr. John: Well, I do have an interest in coffee, but/ that’s not what I want to say, the main reason that keeps me in this job for so long is the staff. Fortunately, I have a number of great employees who are enthusiastic, energetic and willing to contribute to the success of Cheese Coffee. From several things mentioned above, I always try to remind myself that I never have the reasons to give up on my work. 


(4:05 – 4:07) Luan: So, thank you for… 



(4:08 – 4:11) Mai Anh: Hold up, it’s too early for us to end this talk, Luan. We still have one more question, right? 


(4:12 – 4:14) Luan: Oh, I definitely forgot the important one. 



(4:15 – 4:27) Mai Anh: So, we want to ask you that “ When the country was suffering from the pandemic – Covid 19, a lot of brands were closed in order to lessen financial problems, what kept you going during this time? 


(4:28 – 4:57) Mr. John: Wow, I’ve never thought you all will ask me that question. Here’s the thing. I think the reason why my coffee shop remained stable or even made progress during the crisis is that I understood the global problem, then did a lot of preventative actions including letting my staff stay at home, limiting customers staying at our coffee shops, and the list goes on. We actually equipped our shops with touch-less hand sanitizer to avoid spreading the disease. 


(4:58 – 5:05) Mai Anh: Wow, that’s such a great thing, we appreciate what you’ve just shared with us. Thank you for spending time with us. 


(5:06- 5:08) Mr. John: Thank you for inviting me to the show. 



(5:09 – 5:15) Luan: And thank the listeners for joining us today. / Make sure you subscribe to our channel so you’ll never miss the upcoming magazine. Thank you again. 


(5:16 – 5:18 ) Mai Anh + Luan: And see you next time. 

Our magazine

My blogs


''The moment may be temporary, but the memory is forever.'' 

- Bud Meyer

Making Media.



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